Maxaloones: The Perfect Gift Idea for Your Cloth Diapered Baby

5th January, 2017 / Blog / No Comments

We cloth diaper our babies for great reasons:

  • To save money
  • To protect the earth
  • And, to keep harmful chemicals away from our little ones

However, finding pants that fit over those adorably fluffy cloth diapered bottoms can, at times, present a challenge.

Most newborn/infant pants are designed to fit over disposables, so we often find ourselves needing to buy pants “one size up” for our cloth diapered babes. Buying “one size up” does give pants room to fit around our little one’s fluffy bottom, however it often leaves us with too much length in the legs.

So, what is our solution? Maxaloones!!!

Maxaloones are stylish, stretchy pants that are specially designed to FIT over cloth diapered bottoms. And, here’s what I really LOVE about these pants. Not only do they fit perfectly over cloth diapers, but they adjust to fit from 3 to 6 months all the way to 36 months! How do they fit this wide range? They are creatively designed with extra fabric in the waist & legs, so sizing adjustments are simply made by folding up or down the leg cuffs and tummy band.

These nifty pants are also great for baby-wearers! If you are a baby-wearer, like I was, you know how frustrating it can be to constantly pull down your baby’s pant legs while he’s sitting in the carrier. Maxaloones eliminate this problem completely. The cuffs can easily be adjusted to cover little legs. What a great way to protect delicate skin from sun exposure, keep chubby legs warm on cool days, and prevent bug bites during those summer nature hikes.

If you are crafty, you can sew your own using a Maxaloone Sewing Pattern by Max&Meena Patterns!

Or, if you are like me, you’ll be happy to know that you can purchase these adorable pants online! Visit Maxaloones on Etsy and you’ll be delighted by the many styles and patterns available.

Keep calm and cloth diaper on! And, happy shopping!

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